<Location> Toyosu market
See below map to know the geographical location of Toyosu Market.
The distance between Ginza and Toyosu Market is approx. 3.5km.

<The most popular way> Using “Shijo-mae” station / Yurikamome Line
Please note that Yurikamome Line is independent and not a part of JR line or metro (subway) network and you may take longer to find out on the public transportation chart. Yurikamome is a line which connects one of the major station “Shimbashi” and “Toyosu”. But it is not recommended to ride from Shimbashi when your destination is “Shijo-mae”. Because its route is a kind of circular course and takes longer than other ways. A recommended way is using Yurakucho Line to get “Toyosu” station and changing to Yurikamome Line there.It takes only 4 minutes from “Toyosu” to “Shijo-mae”.

<Meeting Point> Toyosu Senkyakubanrai East Gate
The map below is a magnification of Toyosu Shijo. The building you will visit is a left up one named “Fish intermediate wholesale market”.
The meeting point is on the way from “Shijo-mae” sta. to the fish market building and is a part of “Toyosu Senkyakubanrai”. In the precise speaking, the point is at the east gate of “Toyosu Senkyakubanrai”.

The below picture shows a grand view of “Senkyakubanrai” and the left low rising buildings are named “Toyosu Jogai Edomae Shijo” which are the main facilities. The right high rising building is “Tokyo Toyosu Manyo Club” which is a related facility. The meeting point “Toyosu Senkyakubanrai East gate” is located at the area indicated with a red circle in the picture. It is just in front of the bus stop “Toyosu Shijo-mae” of Tokyo BRT. Getting thru glass doors at the gate, you are in the escalator hall which has an access to convenience store and restroom. You will find even ATM in the store. As far as it opens, please wait in the hall.

<Access to the meeting point>
The below map is a further magnified one. It is easy to get the meeting point from Shijo-mae station. The station is on the upper deck and get down to the grand level. You will see a grand view of the facility from the intersection. If you get the uppder deck entrance of Senkyakubanrai by missing to go down, enter the escolator hall located in right of Sushi restaurant named “Tsukiji Kagura”. By using down escolator, you will get the place in the above picture.

<Using Taxi>
Ask taxi driver to take you to “Toyosu Senkyakubanrai”. It is a good idea to tell that you prefer to get off at Bus stop 1 or 2 showing the map above.

<Using Tokyo BRT>
If you are staying at a hotel in Shiodome area, using Tokyo BRT may be a good choice.
Visit its website (https://tokyo-brt.co.jp.e.ald.hp.transer.com/) to know where you can ride and/or timetable.
Bus stop 2 (Toyosu Shijo-mae) is on the way of major route.
Bus stop 3 (Michinoterasu Toyosu) is the all end of a minor route.
Bus stop 1 (Toyosu Shijo-mae) is for an opposite way to Shimbashi(Shiodome)
(Note1) Tokyo BRT is not a part of Toei bus network.
(Note2) The minor route to “Michinoterasu Toyosu” takes longer route and forces you to walk more to get the East gate.

<Using Toei Bus>
If you are JR friendly person, using Toei bus may be a good choice.
The bus stop to Toyosu market is numbered 1 at Shimbashi sta. bus terminal and it is very close to the JR Shimbashi station Exit named “Ginza guchi”. Visit Toei website (https://www.kotsu.metro.tokyo.jp/eng/) to get a timetable.
The bus stop 5 appears in the map provided above is the bus stop you should get off. It is named “Shijo-mae-ekimae”.